David Plotz

The story of The Nobel Sperm bank is as bizarre as its title. Wealthy inventor Robert Graham was semi-retired, but looking for a passion project (for lack of a better term). He believed that intelligent people would produce intelligent, nay, genius children. There were too many idiots dragging …

Caitlin Doughty

Mortician and author Doughty takes questions about children and turns them into educational comedy gold. She tackles a host of disgusting, weird and fascinating death-related topics in a practical, and hilarious, manner. From “Can We Give Grandma a Viking Funeral?” to “We Eat Chickens, Why Not Dead People?” …

Graeme Simsion

rosieThis sweet, funny story follows professor of genetics Don Tillman as he tries to find the perfect wife. It soon becomes clear that Don has Asperger’s Syndrome. That is, it is clear to everyone but Don. Deciding a large questionnaire is needed to weed out unacceptable applicants, Don …

 Kent Kiehl, Ph.D.

Kiehl’s strikes an excellent balance in his book on psychopath research. Packed with stories of his encounters with the psychopaths he studied in prisons and hospitals, he also explains the science and reasoning in his research. His findings are incredible. Kiehl is clearly fascinated and dedicated …

Molly Oldfield

In many ways, this is an excellent and intriguing book. Oldfield managed to gain access to sixty museums and was allowed to view objects never seen by the public.  Each entry covers one of these objects.  They range from the sad – Anne Frank’s friendship book, and sketches …

Lost Worlds of the Guiana HighlandsStewart McPherson

I’m guessing most viewers of the Pixar  flick  Up were convinced that the surreal, twisted landscape on the top of the mountain where the balloon-house landed were figments of overheated animators’ brains. However, based on the pictures in Lost Worlds of the Guiana Highlands, it is clear that …

Michael Crichton and Richard PrestonMicro

Despite being dead, Michael Crichton has managed to still write quite prolifically. The book, finished posthumously by science writer Richard Preston, has its moments.  The premise is pure old-school Crichton.  An evil tech company owner shrinks down a bunch of science grad students and they …

Can You Get Hooked on Lip Balmthebeautybrains.com

Yes, yes you can.  But the the lip balm question is only one of hundreds in this fascinating little book.  Full of delightfully refreshing skepticism, various beauty products and myths are put through the rigors of scientific inquiry.  Not surprisingly, most claims by the beauty industry are either false …

The Island of the Colorblind Oliver Sacks

Neurologist Oliver Sacks is probably best known for his book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. With a focus on rare neurological diseases and maladies, Sacks was deeply interested to hear about the Island of Pingelap. Nearly 10% of the population is achromatopic – …