Randall Sullivan

Who doesn’t love pirate stories? Adventure, freedom, exciting battles, chests of gold…  So it’s no surprise the mystery of Oak Island, located off the shores of Nova Scotia, have fascinated us for centuries.

In the late 1790s, a group of teens exploring the heavily wooded island found a …

Treasure, Obsession, and the Search for a Legendary Pirate Ship

Robert Kurson

The idea of leaving  your day job and mundane life and heading out to sea to find pirate treasure can sound like a pipe dream. But there really are people whose business is to search for lost treasure. …

OSS – The Director of Strategic Services

This fascinating little pamphlet was written in 1944 by the Office of Strategic Services (precursor to the FBI), and is filled with basic instructions on slowing and thwarting the enemy. There are no plans for rigging bombs, making poison or stealing state secrets. …

Cassandra Peterson

Everyone knows Elvira, even if they don’t know where they know her from. A long-running host for schlocky late night horror movies (the ones MST3K loves to mock), the “Elvira, Mistress of the Dark” brand grew to international fame. With a combo of blatant sexiness, chutzpah and cheesy …

Michael Farquhar

Five Centuries of Sex, Adventure, Vice, Treachery, and Folly from Royal Britain

Imagine of People Magazine were to write a textbook of British royalty. This is pretty much it. Each short chapter is a speedy, breezy read about an English monarch. Starting with Henry VIII (yes, him) up …

How I Helped The Rich Become Famous and Ruin the World
Ben Widdicombe

gatecrasherGossip columnist Widdicombe fell into his job by accident. As a newly immigrated Australian journalist in New York, he had no social connections to get him started. Writing about successful Australians in America, for Australian publications back …

Witold Szablowski

A cook is often one of the most intimate relationships a rich or powerful person may have. Both from living in close proximity. But also, the rich and powerful must trust their cook to not murder them. In turn, these cooks find themselves very well-compensated, but also …

Michael Palin

The ErebusIf Michael Palin, of both Monty Python fame and former president of the Royal Geographic society, turns his eye to a topic, you know it will be good. The Erebus and Terror are two ships that have gripped the imagination for over a century. The two old warships …